The Tangible team under a subcontract with Intellidyne is working with the United States Attorney’s Office, District of Columbia on Phase II of the Master Index Intelligence System. For the past twelve years Tangible Technologies has been providing contracting support to develop a web­based Intelligence System which is based on the ORACLE RDBMS version 11/12g and the ORACLE 10/11g application server. The application server runs on the Microsoft Windows Server while the database runs on Solaris. The Master Index Phase II Intelligence System assists attorneys when searching for names, locations, and events previously loaded into the existing DCUSAO criminal tracking systems such as CAPPS, SWATS, LIONS, RCIS, and APS. Attorneys are able to drill down into the existing DCUSAO applications from the Master Index Phase II Intelligence System, once they have completed a search and have selected a record within the system.

Our Consultants are also involved in the conversion of Legacy Oracle Forms and Reports to Oracle Apex running or the latest Oracle Weblogic Server

“The quality, sufficiency and accuracy of contract required work exceed agencies expectations.  Work product is of excellent quality and rarely requires revisions.   All tasks and contract deliverables are on time or ahead of schedule.   Quality of work does not suffer as a result of the time line.  “


Nancy Gonzalez, Project Manager – United States Attorney’s Office